The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Process

The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) process:


We follow SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-stage planning process for building community coalitions and addressing substance misuse. The effectiveness of the SPF begins with a clear understanding of community needs and involves community members in all stages of the planning process.

Assess Needs:

Identify local prevention needs based on data including surveys, focus groups and interviews.

Build Capacity:

Connect with a broad and representative group of people, businesses, and other resources who can help address prevention needs.


Learn what strategies work to address prevention needs and how to do it well. Plan and create programs, policies and practices.


Deliver evidence-based programs, policies, and practices as planned.


Examine the processes and outcomes of your programs, policies and practices.

Cultural Competence:

The ability to understand and interact effectively with people who have different values, lifestyles, and traditions based on their distinctive heritage and social relationships.


Building strategies and structures to maintain coalition health and long-term results.